Alpha Alumni Association
Omega Delta Phi
Alpha Alumni Association
In the spring of 2009, five dedicated Alumni of the Alpha Chapter:
Jorge Rodriguez
Fred Pecina
Jorge Q. Garcia
Robert M. Hernandez
John G. Vasquez
established the Omega Delta Phi Alpha Alumni Association.
Together the five men began to structure the association for the purpose of continuing to promote the fraternity's sacraments of
as Alumnus.
The association serves as the main avenue for a continued brotherhood experience after graduating and provides the membership with professional development opportunities. In addition to uniting the Alumni, the association also tasks upon itself the role of mentor to the Alpha Chapter in order to safeguard and perpetuate the legacy of our fraternity's birthplace on the campus of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX.
Since its founding, the Alpha Alumni Association and the Alpha Chapter together have grown in strides as they further their mutual goals. The continued involvement and presence that the Alumni Association brings to the chapter is the very action that will take us forward into the next
25, 50, 100 years........